Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Most Recent Doctor Visit

I went to the doctor on Monday. Everything looks fine. I heard a nice strong heartbeat. Nothing else really.

I think I've started to feel a little bit more movement, but I'm sure this one is not nearly as active as Caleb was at this point.

I'm excited about the ultrasound coming up next week. It will be fun to see it and then hopefully have some cute images to post here.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Movement and Other Things

Well, I have begun to really feel some movement within the past week or so. This one is not as active as I remember Caleb being, but maybe I just have a bad memory. That wouldn't surprise me. We went swimming in our pool over the weekend, and that seemed to make it move a lot.

Jonathan thinks this one is a boy, since we found out that his cousins Stephen and Stephanie just found out they're having a girl in October. Now he says the pressure's off for a Lowe girl and ours can be a boy. We'll see...

My ultrasound is scheduled for July 1st. Hopefully we will get some good pictures to post. I go back to the doctor on the 24th of this month, I think. My memory is starting to get really bad. Oh, and the weird dreams! I had forgotten how disturbing pregnancy dreams were.

I guess that's all the news I have for now. I will try to get a ticker posted if I can figure out how to do it. Just posting things is hard enough to figure out for me!