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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tuesday's Appointment

I went to see the doctor again on Tuesday. Everything seems to be right on track. The heartbeat sounded really fast to me, but she didn't mention what it actually was. She was too busy asking me questions about if we are going to buy a new crib or move Caleb or what. And, let's see...I got my paperwork to go get my glucose tolerance test done, so I guess I'll have to do that sometime soon. I'll probably do it Saturday morning.

I'm now to the point where I will be going back in 2 weeks instead of 4, so my next appointment will be on Sept 9.

I think I mentioned awhile back that we were going to move Caleb to his new room and paint his current room to be the new baby's nursery. We have decided to wait to do all of that until the new baby is a few months old. We think it will be easier on us and on Caleb, since we were planning on keeping the new baby in our room for at least a few months first anyway.

As for names, I think we have a very high potential first name, but we are going to borrow one of those name books from a friend and take a look through it to confirm that we really like the one we have picked out. Now we just have to find a middle name to go with it. By the way, this is a boy's name I'm talking about here, since we already had the girl's name decided from the beginning.

Jonathan keeps going back and forth on me. One day he says he thinks it's a boy, then a few days later he'll say he really thinks it's a girl. Obviously he doesn't know any more than the rest of us. :)

I saw a funny maternity shirt that said "I'm 50% sure it's a boy." That would be a good one to have.

Well, only 12 weeks left. Potentially as few as 10 weeks to still be full term. It still sounds so far away to me. I'm quite tired of being pregnant and ready to have this kid already. Oh well, maybe it will come sooner than it feels like now. I kind of hope so.

I'll let you know how my glucose test goes.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weird Dreams

Last night I had a series of rather unusual dreams. In one, I went to McDonald's and ordered a whole bunch of food and the cashier lady made fun of me and sarcastically said "You must be hungry" and I glared at her and said, "Yeah, I am." That one was strange, but not that bad. The next one is the good one... I had a dream that I gave birth to a milk carton. What on earth is that supposed to mean? I've heard of women dreaming about giving birth to puppies or something like that, but a milk carton?? It wasn't even a gallon, it was like one of those little half pint sizes. Oh well, I'm sure pregnant women have had much stranger dreams, but that's about the weirdest one I've had yet. Thought you might find it amusing.

I go to the doctor next week, so hopefully there will be a good update after that.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Hey, so I think I'm in the third trimester now. There's not much new to say except that for a couple of weeks now we have actually been able to see my stomach move sometimes. I don't have another doctor's appointment until the 26th, but I think things seem to be progressing just fine.

I'm going on another work trip (my last one for quite awhile probably) to Florida near the end of September for about a week. Jonathan will be going to Chicago for work the first week of October. Then hopefully we can all stay home until the baby comes. :)

Guess that's all for now.