Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 9, 2008

Movement and Other Things

Well, I have begun to really feel some movement within the past week or so. This one is not as active as I remember Caleb being, but maybe I just have a bad memory. That wouldn't surprise me. We went swimming in our pool over the weekend, and that seemed to make it move a lot.

Jonathan thinks this one is a boy, since we found out that his cousins Stephen and Stephanie just found out they're having a girl in October. Now he says the pressure's off for a Lowe girl and ours can be a boy. We'll see...

My ultrasound is scheduled for July 1st. Hopefully we will get some good pictures to post. I go back to the doctor on the 24th of this month, I think. My memory is starting to get really bad. Oh, and the weird dreams! I had forgotten how disturbing pregnancy dreams were.

I guess that's all the news I have for now. I will try to get a ticker posted if I can figure out how to do it. Just posting things is hard enough to figure out for me!

1 comment:

jennjenn said...

Yay! Movement... well if it is a girl I have plenty of onesies that you can borrow! Some of the other items may be off season.

I'll agree with the dreams. I had one last night that was me spending 20 minutes searching for a bottle of non-caffiene soda at a store at an amusement park while you waited on me. They had everything in cans and two-liters but nothing without caffiene in the normal small bottles.