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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Latest Doctor Appointment

I had an appointment yesterday. We went over the ultrasound results, and she said they got a good look at everything and it all looks good and right on track.

The movements are getting stronger. Last night, Jonathan felt it moving a lot. Apparently it really liked the chicken nuggets we had for dinner or something. :)

Jonathan asked me the other day if I had thought of any names. I hadn't really been thinking about it. He hadn't either. Oh well, I'm sure we'll come up with something. We still have awhile. We didn't decide on Caleb's middle name for sure until the night before he was born. But at least we had options at that point. Right now we're pretty clueless for any names. Feel free to leave your own suggestions...

Guess that's all for now. Hopefully all the posts will be this boring. That means everything is going well.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Back from Hawaii

Well, I got back from Hawaii, and it was a good trip. The baby seemed to wiggle a lot on the flights, which was typical with Caleb as well. I haven't been getting much sleep since I got back and I'm starting to feel really run-down like I might be getting sick. Hopefully I can get over that soon. Caleb has been very clingy to me since I got back and is having a lot of trouble going to sleep for naptime and at night. I have to stay in the room with him until he falls asleep or he will scream bloody murder if I try to leave him. Poor little guy. Now my boss mentioned today that he might want me to go to England for 2 weeks at the end of the month. We'll see about that!

Otherwise, I'm feeling fine and everything seems to be normal. Jonathan has been able to feel the baby kick a couple of times. I know that's exciting for him.

We're hoping to get Caleb moved into his new bed and bedroom and paint his current room for the baby sometime within the next couple of weeks. Mom and Dad just dropped off my old twin bed for Caleb and they're coming back next week to help paint. We're also planning to put up a tile backsplash in the kitchen and repaint in there as well. It will be busy and hopefully we can get it all done with the generous help they'll give us. Since I can't really be inhaling paint fumes, I can't be much help.

Hopefully we can post some cute pictures of the baby's new room when we finish it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yes, I love technology...

Today was the first ultrasound, so we got to see Number 2 for the first time! Here are a couple of pictures.

Elisha has felt that this one is much less active than Caleb, and we were able to see that today. It seemed pretty content to just lay there, occasionally moving its arm or adjusting it position. Almost on cue, it rolled over so we could get these good profile shots. Caleb, on the other hand, was practically bouncing off the walls in there during his ultrasound!

The doctor said everything looked good and on target for the due date of November 22, so that was a big relief. I was again in awe at how amazing it is to be able to peek inside and see the baby, especially how you can see the four chambers of the heart pumping away.

Elisha leaves for Hawaii tomorrow morning, so maybe we can get another ultrasound after she gets back and see if Number 2 learned how to hula dance!