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Monday, July 14, 2008

Back from Hawaii

Well, I got back from Hawaii, and it was a good trip. The baby seemed to wiggle a lot on the flights, which was typical with Caleb as well. I haven't been getting much sleep since I got back and I'm starting to feel really run-down like I might be getting sick. Hopefully I can get over that soon. Caleb has been very clingy to me since I got back and is having a lot of trouble going to sleep for naptime and at night. I have to stay in the room with him until he falls asleep or he will scream bloody murder if I try to leave him. Poor little guy. Now my boss mentioned today that he might want me to go to England for 2 weeks at the end of the month. We'll see about that!

Otherwise, I'm feeling fine and everything seems to be normal. Jonathan has been able to feel the baby kick a couple of times. I know that's exciting for him.

We're hoping to get Caleb moved into his new bed and bedroom and paint his current room for the baby sometime within the next couple of weeks. Mom and Dad just dropped off my old twin bed for Caleb and they're coming back next week to help paint. We're also planning to put up a tile backsplash in the kitchen and repaint in there as well. It will be busy and hopefully we can get it all done with the generous help they'll give us. Since I can't really be inhaling paint fumes, I can't be much help.

Hopefully we can post some cute pictures of the baby's new room when we finish it.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing the blog!! Kaylee is so excited she's getting three new cousins this year! A boy on my dad's side and a girl and your ?? on my mom's side. Maybe this is "the year of the girl" for the Lowe family?? If yours is, it'll be #3 in 2008!!

Julie & Kaylee