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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Weird Dreams

Last night I had a series of rather unusual dreams. In one, I went to McDonald's and ordered a whole bunch of food and the cashier lady made fun of me and sarcastically said "You must be hungry" and I glared at her and said, "Yeah, I am." That one was strange, but not that bad. The next one is the good one... I had a dream that I gave birth to a milk carton. What on earth is that supposed to mean? I've heard of women dreaming about giving birth to puppies or something like that, but a milk carton?? It wasn't even a gallon, it was like one of those little half pint sizes. Oh well, I'm sure pregnant women have had much stranger dreams, but that's about the weirdest one I've had yet. Thought you might find it amusing.

I go to the doctor next week, so hopefully there will be a good update after that.

1 comment:

JM said...

How funny! That dream actually had me laughing out loud - which I rarely do.