Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

3-hour results

Definitely positive. So I have gestational diabetes. Now I have to talk with a diabetic nutritionist about a special diet, and I will have to record everything I eat, plus monitor my blood sugars. If the diet ends up not being enough, I will have to be put on insulin. But my doctor was hopeful that the diet will be enough...apparently it takes care of the problem for 85% of women.

I was pretty bummed about it, but my doctor kept telling me I didn't do anything wrong and that the baby's going to be fine as long as we keep it under control. Oh, I also have to go back for another ultrasound to check growth, because apparently high blood sugars make bigger if I didn't have big enough ones already. I was hoping this one would turn out smaller than Caleb was! Oh well, I'm trusting that God will take care of everything and that the baby and I will be just fine. Still, it's kinda scary and I'd appreciate your prayers.

I'll continue to keep you updated.


jennjenn said...

Hopefully the specialist will have a good plan for you and the baby. Keep us updated and of course we are praying!

Stephanie said...

I had gestational diabetes with Ethan and it was diet controlled. It was hard to prick my fingers everyday. I heard something recently that pricking on the side of your finger is better (which I didn't and I remember my fingers hurting a lot). Ethan weighed 8 lbs 7 oz which I don't think is that big. I've heard women who didn't have gestational diabetes that had bigger babies. Hang in there and if you need anything or have questions feel free to ask me.

Kaylee's Gramma said...

Hi! As you are seeing, gestational diabetes is not at all unusual. I had it (low grade) with Michael, but was on insulin with Jeffrey. They both were fine, and the size was more from good nutrition during pregnancy, not the GD. Hang in there, and keep us posted on Lowe2's progress.

Kaylee's Gramma