Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Updates and Things

I guess I haven't updated here in quite awhile...sorry. Well, I've been to the doctor twice since the last time I posted. My blood sugars are doing fine, so I'm able to just stick with the meal plan and not have to take any insulin. Everything still seems to be right on track with the size of the baby and heartbeat and all. I go back to the doctor again on November 6th, which is just 2 days after my birthday and just 1 day shy of 38 weeks--full term! It's coming close, but still feels far away. Please pray for patience for me and the stamina to make it through each day. Keep checking back, as exciting things will hopefully be happening soon!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ultrasound and Nutritionist Appt

We had the followup ultrasound on October 1. The baby was measuring right on track and was at about 4.5 lbs, so it was good that it seems to be doing well. They said it was up to my doctor whether or not I may be sent back for another ultrasound to check growth again. We'll see. Anyway, they gave us a few pictures to take home, so here's one:

This, in case you can't tell from the caption, is the baby's face. You can see one eye, the nose, and the mouth. When we were there watching, we saw the eyes open and close and we could see the lips moving because it was sucking. It was kinda cute. Most of the rest of the baby was really hard to see. It looked really cramped in there, so we had to take the lady's word for it when she said, "here's a leg, here's an arm, etc." We did see the stomach, bladder, and heart, but I wouldn't have known the stomach from the bladder if she hadn't told us that was what we were seeing.

The meeting with the nutritionist went well. She gave me a glucose meter, a meal plan, and some logs to write all my meals and blood sugar levels down. I have to take the logs along when I go see my doctor so she can monitor and make sure I'm doing okay. So far so good. My levels have been right on, but I do miss eating whatever I wanted to. I have to count carbs now like crazy, and I only get a few at a time because I have to spread them throughout the day in 6 meals. Well, at least it's only for about another month.

I go see my doctor on Tuesday. I can't remember when she'll start checking for progress, but I'm anxious for that...I'm really hoping this one will come a bit early like Caleb did. But I know it will come when it's ready and not when I'm ready. Patience has never been a strong point of mine. :)