Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Updates and Things

I guess I haven't updated here in quite awhile...sorry. Well, I've been to the doctor twice since the last time I posted. My blood sugars are doing fine, so I'm able to just stick with the meal plan and not have to take any insulin. Everything still seems to be right on track with the size of the baby and heartbeat and all. I go back to the doctor again on November 6th, which is just 2 days after my birthday and just 1 day shy of 38 weeks--full term! It's coming close, but still feels far away. Please pray for patience for me and the stamina to make it through each day. Keep checking back, as exciting things will hopefully be happening soon!


Julie said...

Wasn't Caleb born before 40 weeks? Maybe this one will be, too? (I keep wanting to call it a she...we'll see!!)

elisha said...

Yes, Caleb was born at 39 weeks. But I was induced with him, so we'll see what happens with this one!

Stacy said...

We missed you at homecoming, but Jennifer gave me the link to your blog so it has been great catching up on everything that has been going on. I hope everything is smooth sailing until little Lowe makes its apperance.