Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Impressive things about Esther

Every parent thinks their kid is great, sometimes in unreasonable ways. Here are some of our observations about Esther:
  • she's really darn cute and everybody says so!
  • she looks a whole lot like Elisha's baby pictures
  • she has really pretty eyelashes (you may have to click it for the bigger one):

  • while Caleb looked at everything curiously, she seems to look at everything skeptically
  • she's surprisingly strong for being only 2 days old! She's already picked her head up and looked around briefly a few times while being burped. While laying on her back, she tried to sit up. She can almost roll over onto her right side. And she's got a mighty strong kick (but Elisha already knew that) which frequently knocks off her blankets.
  • she has potential as a punk rocker:

  • she eats like a pro
  • she doesn't cry very much

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hi, Esther!! Sounds like you're off to a good start with that list. Keep up the good work!! :-)