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Friday, November 14, 2008

Maybe not too soon

I went to the doctor on Wednesday and nothing had progressed at all since last week except the baby is measuring right on now and she felt around and thinks it's already at about 8 lbs. She said it's still pretty high and hasn't dropped down low yet, so she thinks it's going to be awhile. She's still willing to let me wait for spontaneous labor until the due date, but has plans to induce on the 24th (simply because of the "higher risk" from the gestational diabetes) if it doesn't come before then.

So just hold out and we'll let you know when it's here!


Julie said...

We're waiting to find out if 2008 is the year of the girl!!!

u8ui9 kjg rvgf c (see, Kaylee is excited, too)

JM said...

I don't know about you, but my babies never dropped down all that much until I was really close - and really, didn't do much until I was actively in labor. It could still happen any time! Just remember to trust that God knows what timing is best for you and for the baby!

Stephanie said...

It could still be any day now. Can't wait to hear of Baby Lowe #2's arrival!

jennjenn said...

I'm praying s/he comes before then. Plus if it turns out to be a she I can bring hand-me-downs, but we are leaving for DE/MD on the 24th...

Either way, I pray for your comfort and an easy delivery!