Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 17, 2008


We wanted to let everyone know that we're at St. Agnes Hospital and we will be here until tomorrow morning if anyone wants to stop by to say hello; we'd love to see you. And of course once we get home, you're welcome to come on over and see us. Just give us a call first.

Here are some more pics to enjoy:


jennjenn said...

We would love to come see you, but we'll just have to wait until next week. Kathryn is excited to meet her new cousin and is already planning how to get in trouble together :) Oh and remember the Christmas stockings I was supposed to make for Caleb last year... I'm finishing them up today. Better late than never, right??

She's beautiful!

Julie said...

We're visiting in spirit! And via blog! Keep those photos coming!! Kaylee sends a big kiss to little Esther!