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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Latest Doctor Appointment

I had an appointment yesterday. We went over the ultrasound results, and she said they got a good look at everything and it all looks good and right on track.

The movements are getting stronger. Last night, Jonathan felt it moving a lot. Apparently it really liked the chicken nuggets we had for dinner or something. :)

Jonathan asked me the other day if I had thought of any names. I hadn't really been thinking about it. He hadn't either. Oh well, I'm sure we'll come up with something. We still have awhile. We didn't decide on Caleb's middle name for sure until the night before he was born. But at least we had options at that point. Right now we're pretty clueless for any names. Feel free to leave your own suggestions...

Guess that's all for now. Hopefully all the posts will be this boring. That means everything is going well.

1 comment:

Grandma Waugh said...

We have been throwing some suggested names around for you. Dad thinks Calvin Hobbs Lowe has a nice ring to it. He also though you might want to avoid a name like Zwingle Lowe. Have you asked Caleb for a suggestion?