Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yes, I love technology...

Today was the first ultrasound, so we got to see Number 2 for the first time! Here are a couple of pictures.

Elisha has felt that this one is much less active than Caleb, and we were able to see that today. It seemed pretty content to just lay there, occasionally moving its arm or adjusting it position. Almost on cue, it rolled over so we could get these good profile shots. Caleb, on the other hand, was practically bouncing off the walls in there during his ultrasound!

The doctor said everything looked good and on target for the due date of November 22, so that was a big relief. I was again in awe at how amazing it is to be able to peek inside and see the baby, especially how you can see the four chambers of the heart pumping away.

Elisha leaves for Hawaii tomorrow morning, so maybe we can get another ultrasound after she gets back and see if Number 2 learned how to hula dance!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Those are great ultrasound pics. I love getting a good profile shot. It just might be your turn for a girl too! It would be nice for Brennan & Kaylee to have another female to help gang up on all the boys. :)